Abiomed, founder of minimally invasive medical devices, has reshaped cardiac care with innovative technologies, the Impella® Heart Pumps.
Revolutionizing Heart Health: Abiomed’s Mission to Save Lives with the Impella® Heart Pump
According to the World Health Organization, diseases of the circulatory system, including heart disease such as heart attacks, are still among the most common causes of death worldwide. Recovering the native heart, and thus saving lives, is Abiomed’s vision for the development of the world’s smallest heart pump – the Impella® heart pump. As a company, we strive to make treatment with Impella® the global standard of medical care to save more hearts and lives. Because, behind every sick heart there is a person, a family, and a life.
Heart Recovery to Preserve Quality of Life
For Abiomed, a pioneer and global market leader in the development and manufacture of innovative heart pump technologies, patients come first. Abiomed’s goal: to make its core product, the Impella® heart pump, the standard of care for cardiac recovery.
The Impella® heart pump represents a paradigm shift in the treatment of heart failure and cardiovascular emergencies because it is inserted directly into the left (or right) ventricle of the heart via a catheter, providing hemodynamic support from within. By providing temporary mechanical support to the heart, the heart pump assists in maintaining adequate blood flow, alleviating the workload of the weakened or failing heart muscle. This unique approach allows for more effective assistance to the heart’s pumping function, leading to improved outcomes in high-risk procedures and critical care situations, such as heart attacks with cardiogenic shock.
“Our goal is for the Impella® platform to become the standard of care for cardiac recovery. We want to help as many patients in cardiogenic shock as possible to keep their own heart – with the same quality of life as before,” says Dr. Thorsten Sieß, Chief Technology Officer at Abiomed and inventor of the Impella® heart pump.

Transforming lives: the Impella® Heart Pump
Abiomed’s mission to enhance heart recovery and improve patient outcomes embodies this profound understanding of the heart’s significance. By developing groundbreaking technologies like the Impella® heart pump, Abiomed empowers healthcare professionals to restore cardiac function, alleviate suffering, and transform lives.
The Impella® heart pump stands for inventiveness, progress and, above all, for the benefit of patients. As a standalone subsidiary of Johnson & Johnson MedTech, Abiomed has improved opportunities to drive medical research, development and expansion. “My dream is to create something lasting and that our pump will still exist in 100 years, just like the company,” says Dirk Michels, Managing Director at Abiomed Europe GmbH in Aachen.
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