Enzymatica unlocks `The Science That Protects`, an innovative, Penzyme-powered barrier technology that’s clinically proven to break the path to infection, protecting people from upper respiratory viruses.
Our world continues to change.
Climate dominates the news, but it’s the changing, hidden world of human immunity that’s the innovation focus for Enzymatica as it drives to protect peoples’ everyday health from upper respiratory viruses and infection.
Vulnerability to airborne viruses keeps expanding after Covid-19. New sub-variants and infection patterns proliferate. These create a more complex viral `mix` when blended with established viruses such as cold and flu. Together this adds to infection problems with over-lapping symptoms causing response confusion and putting healthcare services under further strain.

The University of Kent tackles this head-on with research targeting the protection needs of elite athletes whose intense training exposes their bodies to greater viral vulnerability and openness to infection.
This `Gold Standard` study based on 160 elite athletes, is an investigator initiated double-blind, placebo-controlled trial to clinically assess the in-vivo effectiveness of Enzymatica’s mouth spray, ColdZyme, based on its patented Penzyme-based formulation. This complements in-vitro research being led by the Medical University of Innsbruck.
The objective was to evaluate the real-world effectiveness of this science when used by athletes to protect themselves against upper respiratory viruses and infection. The research measured both acquired infection rates and lost training days, producing results applicable to the wider population and everyday life.
This study has now taken on an even bigger healthcare importance now that leading health regulators have begun banning older ingredients used in many of the world’s leading OTC cold and flu remedies due to their re-assessed ineffectiveness.
Clinical research results on ColdZyme mouth spray comprehensively answer this healthcare uncertainty with a higher, proven efficacy of major self-care importance and consumer relevance.
Used as a convenient, self-administered mouth spray, Enzymatica’s science breaks the path to infection that all airborne viruses follow, reducing sufferer symptoms in the process.
The formulation researched stops viruses from sticking, halting initial cell-tissue contact. This results in lower viral loads so viruses can’t multiply and grow to progress to full infection. Also, even when used at the first signs of infection, Enzymatica’s Penzyme-based formulation shortens illness duration by as much as 5 days.
This unprecedented innovation against upper respiratory viruses and the infection offers a unique advance offering global as well as individual self-care improvement.
Of priority, this formulation offers a rapid, effective health-protective response to viral airborne threats, supporting immunity protection. This brings time and cost savings. It also directly expands healthcare access.
The science also enables consumers to act with a proven control to protect themselves in precise moments of need. There’s no hassle to see a doctor.
Such effective, self-care advancements highlight the structural market potential of Enzymatica’s Penzyme-based formulation to recast the role of OTC in response to colds and flu-like conditions and more, especially when legacy options are no longer deemed to work.
This redefines the entire way upper respiratory infections can be contained and beaten in the immediate years ahead and beyond.
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